I know you all want to see pictures from my graduation and from the Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband concert, but those are on my laptop so they will have to wait because I don't want to go get them right now :) So I'll share these pictures. For my graduation present my sister and brother-in-law bought me a ticket (as well as themselves) to see Josh Gracin and Darryl Whorley at the Eagle Mountain Ampitheater. It was Pony Express Days out there, so it was to honor the soldiers and the military. They went all out, they had parachuters drop in to start things off, one of them dropped in with the American Flag on his back (AMAZING). Then they had a fly over of some big plane. Then the concert! It was rainy and cold that day (June 6, 2009) So we didn't stay for the whole thing, since I was still sick. We ended up leaving right as Darryl Whorley got up to play. It was still lots of fun though!
Me and Fay
Honoring all the Troops
Being sworn in
the crazy weather..
Look really hard, the plane that flew over head is off in the distance, I was a bit slow. :)
Parachuter with the American Flag on his back
The opening act
Josh Gracin
So I bought a new camera with the money I received for graduation. It is a Nikon Coolpix s60, the awesome ones with a touch screen. Well you can write on your pictures, so I had some fun with it :)
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