The evening started off with...

The scariest ride up Big Cottonwood Canyon I've ever had. No joke! And the roads weren't even bad, until we were almost at the resort!! The kid I went with (well, me, Whitney and Mandi went with) was crazy!! He was going 60 mph up the canyon, the whole time!! His philosophy for canyon driving, keep your foot on the gas and don't go off the edge. Uh Hello!!!! Also, right as we got in the car to leave he informs us that his transmission doesn't work very well AND we might run out of gas..yeah we made him stop and get gas.

We finally made it, alive, to the resort. Um... can you say massive amounts of snow!! I wish I had taken my camera so I could show just how much snow is up there right now. It was very pretty, but that's all the snow was good for. After our scary ride up the canyon, both Whitney and I decided we would be finding Keith for a ride home that night. So... we go up to the lodge (this picture doesn't really show the lodge we were in) and Whitney and Mandi buy their ski passes from the 2nd counselor of the bishopric. I wasn't going to be skiing or boarding, I'm not that brave! We ran back to the other lodge, got their rentals, and then back up to the lodge we would be in the rest of the night. They went out on the slopes, I stayed inside and....
Found our friend Keith, talked to him, secured a ride back home if we still wanted one. Then he went back out on the slopes so I....

ate some delicious Cafe Rio, because yes, my ward had it catered. (awesome, right!) While eating Cafe Rio, I met some new people. Surprised I don't know everyone in my ward...don't be, there is at least 400 people in the ward. It was nice to be able to have people to talk to while the only people I knew were out on the slopes. Then Whitney came back, she had left Mandi up on the mountain with Keith for some boarding lessons. So I sat with Whitney while she ate, and talked with her. Then somehow, I don't even know how, I ended up sitting with the people I had met earlier, talking about who knows what. It was very different for me, because usually I just stick with Whitney.

Okay, this is exaggerating a little bit how bad the conditions were when we left the resort at 9:00 that night. But the roads were covered in snow, like the picture, we just had better visibility. So like I said, we left the resort close to 9:00 with Keith and his friend Cameron. Even though the roads were worse, and it was snowy and windy, both Whitney and I felt much safer then we did coming up the canyon. Maybe it's because Keith's philosophy for driving the canyon is to take the turns slower than you think you should, or maybe because he's not crazy... We make it down the canyon, and I thought we were going to just head back to Whitney's house, uh... I was wrong. We start heading to Salt Lake, I looked over at Whitney with a super puzzled look on my face and she returned the look. Then Keith informs us that we're going to a Mexican restaurant so they can eat. So we go to a restaurant on 3300 south. We were sitting in the parking lot, in Keith's car, waiting for his friends to make it down the mountain and meet us there. We had been listening to music, when all of the sudden the music stops...yeah, you guessed it. The car died. GREAT... Keith's friends show up and we go sit in the Mexican restaurant....actually diner. They eat, we talk, repeat the process :) Finally...around 10:30 we head out to the car. They jump the battery and we get to go home!!!
As you can see, this is far from my normal Friday night. Much more adventurous. But it was so much fun!! I have been struggling with getting to know more people in the ward. Because like I said, I'm always with Whitney, so her friends have become my friends. It was nice to meet people myself, and just enjoy some time away from everything. That whole week I had been nervous that it was going to be snowing on Friday, and I just kept thinking, we'll probably get stuck up there... that would not be fun. Well I have a feeling we really could've, seeing as they got 34 inches of new powder that night. I'm just glad I made it home!! :)
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