to crying my eyes out.
You see, for the past month my knee has been locking up,
and kinda sorta popping out (or so I thought it was popping out).
After visiting an orthopedic doctor and having an MRI
I was told that nothing was wrong and
physical therapy was prescribed.
I said I would just work my knee on my own,
because I'll be honest, my family doesn't have the extra money
lying around for PT.
Today, I was at my grandma's house.
My knee hadn't been hurting, and it hadn't done anything weird
for a week.
I guess I moved my knee wrong,
and I heard *pop*
and then I couldn't move.
I tried, and I tried.
But it wasn't happening.
I sat there, rubbing it, hoping something would help.
I was finally able to stand, but that was all I could do.
In my mind I said many silent prayers,
and kept having the thought to ask for a blessing.
I asked several people to say a prayer for me,
and eventually just asked my dad for a blessing.
After the blessing I let go,
I bawled.
I was in pain, and I just wanted to move.
By some miracle, I was able to hop down my grandma's stairs
and out to her truck and off to the ER I went.
After having the doctor look at it,
and having x-ray's just to make me feel better,
it was concluded that there is nothing wrong,
just a weak knee.
Physical Therapy was basically demanded
and out the door they sent me,
I still couldn't move my leg.
I bawled some more, and said more silent prayers.
I got home, and as I stood at the bottom of the two flights of stairs
I have to go up to get to my room,
I turned to my mom and said,
"I just want a miracle to happen, I need one. I won't make it up these stairs."
I decided the only way I was going to make it up
was to crawl/hop up.
I kneeled on my left knee (the bad one) and then hopped up with my right foot.
Well, the kneeling on my bad knee did the trick.
I heard a lovely little *pop* again,
and I could walk.
It was indeed a miracle.
A small one, but a miracle.
*Thanks to "Life As We Know It" I had this song...
stuck in my head the whole time I was at the hospital. But just the chorus that says..
"Everything will be alright now, alright now." Great song to have stuck in your head, huh!
I'm so sorry to hear your knee is still acting up. I'll be keeping you in my prayers for sure. Get better cousin =)