Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Abbrevs and stories..

Tonight has been an awesome night.
Spontaneous decision to go on Missionary Visits with my ward
always turns out well.
Even though I should have studied for my math final,
and all the other finals I have coming up,
Visits was def the right answer.
There is a super funny story that came from visits tonight,
unfortunately I feel that story is one that cannot be shared,
at the present time.
When I come up with clever names and descriptions for the people
maybe then I shall share.
Until then, if you want to hear
I can share with you somehow...just ask.
My spontaneous was definitely an answer to my prayers.
I have been struggling over the past few days with being nervous
to go to activities on my own, and hiding behind my friends.
I did so well at the beginning of the summer...I was outgoing
not super, but not extremely shy.
I have reverted to the super shy ways over the past while.
I find when I force myself to go to the activities I least want to go to,
and I go with a good attitude,
that those activities are the best ones for me.
Here's to finals week! Good luck everyone!

p.s. abbrevs don't have anything to do with this post, minus the fact that in my story about visits that i told my dear friend kathryn included multiple abbrevs and that led to a conversation about them. the end.

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