Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Today On Saturday, I participated in the Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure.  It was an amazing experience and one that I look forward to doing yearly.  I'm so glad that I had two of my best friends along side of me to keep me company through those 3+ miles.  It was amazing to see how many people were there.  The streets of downtown Salt Lake City were jammed packed with people in pink, so great!! Enjoy pictures, I'm off to relax now do math homework!

Okay, it's been 5 days and I can't get blogger to let me attach my pictures. one day folks, one day!

we look mighty chipper to be on the train so early on a saturday (it was like 6:45..)

Just me and my best friend. don't mind my hair...

Whitney and Kaytlin

We were excited about our numbers!


look at that massive amount of people....

They were really excited to be on our way!

Kaytlin and the awesome guys who were dressed up.

One Mile!

2 Miles!

3 miles! which means we're almost done!!

Finally at the finish line!

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