Now, I'll play catch up.
- summer semester ended! woot woot!! I'm just waiting to hear back from my professor to see if I passed.
- Bells on Temple Square concert one night and a Real Salt Lake game the next night makes for two great dates.
- I dyed my hair. (Did I already tell you this?..) Well I got some highlights put in about 3 weeks ago. I was told I "looked like summer". It has been swell. (Yes, I know I said I regretted getting highlights once before, what can I say I'm fickle!)
- The fam and I took a trip to St. George at the beginning of the month. It was splendid! We saw Hairspray and Aladdin at Tuacahn, went to Zion's, did some swimming, I got a sweet tan (which is quickly fading..)
- I'm heading to St. George again with some friends in a few weeks.
- Late night Skype's with Arielle have become a frequent occurrence. It is great!
- Did I tell you about the absolutely hilarious letter I got in the mail? No, okay I'll share it with you.

Alright, back story behind this lovely letter. I have a friend, Sam, who (at the time) was in the MTC preparing to serve his mission. One day I received a letter from Sam, and the next day I get this letter in the mail, the return address was to the MTC, but I did not recognize the name! I opened it, and this is what I found. I was on the floor laughing about the letter. So sweet!! In case you're wondering, I did write him back, and agreed to be his PPFE, and no..I haven't gotten a letter back from him. I guess he really didn't want to be PPFE's. :)
I feel like there is more that has happened in my life that I haven't shared. But I can't think of it right now. One day, I will have some super exciting news to share. It will be great!!
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