Saturday, June 22, 2013

Finding {your} purpose

For the past 2 years or so, every Wednesday night,
I attend a forum hosted by the Sandy Institute.
Each week I spend an hour or so being uplifted by the messages that they have to share.
Each one has been incredible, but last nights was one that really touched home,
and the whole time I was taking notes, I kept thinking
"write this on your blog." I am writing it on my blog.

The speaker was Anthony Sweat, an EFY speaker and soon to be Professor at BYU.
The topic.. 

5 Keys to Finding the Purpose For Your Life.

1. Savor the Serendipitous
-When things line up; jump on them
-Have the courage to follow after serendipity.

2.  Divine direction does not come all at once,
-line upon line, little by little.
-D&C 93 "not of the fullness at first, continued grace by grace."
-don't be concerned if you don't know what you're doing.

3. Move forward in faith
-don't become stagnant.
-sometimes the answer is silence.
-if you move forward, and don't slow down, the directions will be clear.
-The Lord won't let you make a dangerous decision
*read the book "A Fork in the Road by Matthew Holland*
D&C 60:5, D&C 61:22, D&C 63:40, D&C 80:3
-sometimes the answer we receive is simply an "I don't know it matterth not."  Meaning that either decision would be find, and we need to make the decision on our own and move forward.

4. Have a plan, but let it be in plastic not stone.
-you NEED a plan, a goal, but you need to be able to mold it.
-you can't always see the end from the beginning, there may be a "plan g" somewhere down the road that you can't see from "plan a".
-while you're figuring out your career keep the aperture of your life wide open.

5. Follow the small plates promptings.
*read Words of Mormon*
-"I know not all things, but the Lord knows all things."
-follow the little promptings you get
-promptings are subtle (whispers, thoughts that come to mind.)

There is a purpose for you!
We will become the people we are supposed to be.

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