So finals week is upon us. Only a few short days and I will have completed my first year of college. I will no longer be a college freshman, I'm on my way up the ladder. I may not have finished this year as many people, even as I, had imagined I would have. But I am finishing, and that is what counts. Right? As I take a step back and look back at the past 9 months I am reminded of so many things. These months have been amazing, trying, rough, down right rotten, but I have gotten through them all. So many people have been there by my side through the thick and the thin. They have been there to help me laugh, or to tell me it's okay to cry. They've given me support, and encouragement. They've been there for me late at night as I call them, bawling my eyes out, because I just couldn't take it any longer. Because I know I haven't done it like I should, I will tell those people thanks, right now.
First and foremost my parents, they have been so amazing, not only this past year but my whole life. They were there through everything, me signing up for classes, worrying about scholarships and loans. They were there when I moved into my apartment, and they stayed the whole day making sure I had everything I needed. My mom was there to talk to on the phone everyday as I made the 5-10 minute walk home from classes. When I left I told her, k mom don't call me everyday, I need to be a "Big girl". HA I was the one calling her! Everyday! And my dad, well what can I say, he's my dad and I'm a true daddy's girl at heart!! When I needed to just have a laugh or just talk without anyone talking back I knew I could count on him. I love my parents so much!
Fay and Andrew. They were also there to help me move in. Set up my furniture, and take me on a quick run to Wal-mart for things that were forgotten. They were here at home when I would come back on weekends to hang out with and to chat with. Faylene made the drives to Ephraim with my mom when I just needed to come home, but no one could bring me.
Kristin Wells. Well this here lady is somethin' special. She started out as just another young women's leader, but let me tell ya. She is much much more then that! She was there, constantly encouraging me to do what I wanted and to have fun. She helped me when I was having a hard time realizing that my time had come to sign up for classes and all I wanted to do was bawl. She comforted me when I moved away and was uber sad but didn't want to tell anyone else. She was willing to talk to me at 9:30 at night while my roommates were gone (even though I know she was tired or wanted to do something else.) She encouraged me to stay strong and "fight" the roommate situation. She is my reminder to always have fun and enjoy life. She listened to me when I said I was moving home, and she wasn't quick to judge.
My roommates. They're something else really! So many memories. So many nights just filled with laughter. Whitney; my room roommate. She was there at all times, even late into the night. Talking about whatever. Always making sure that I was okay. Locking ourselves in our room and listening to Michael Buble over and over again, just because we were having "one of those days". She comforted me in times of loss and made sure that I knew I could count on her for anything. Court; friends through it all. Our walks were something else. Every night, at midnight. The two of us (and most the time Whitney) would take a walk around the apartment complex. It was our way of letting go of the stresses of the day and preparing for what lied ahead. It was never complete if we didn't laugh about something, or have an awkward run in with people. We learned that oatmeal will instantly freeze if you take it outside after midnight in the winter months down in Sanpete. We also learned, that no matter how hard you wish, sometimes you just won't get mail, and you know sucks! So ya just gotta scream about it. Sometimes our stomachs go gurgle gurgle and we just want to play with marbles, so you'll have to deal. Arielle; what a goof! I will never forget having to bundle her up just so she could go outside and talk on the phone with her boyfriend. She walked like the kid from "A Christmas Story". When walking to class with her I always felt like I was practicing for a marathon, literally running to keep up with her. She assured me that yes, I could make it through a weekend in Ephraim without her, although it was terribly long and I screamed at the top of my lungs when she got home. Myrinda; well she's just crazy! and I love her for that. She brought a certain sense of craziness to our apartment that other wise would have been void. She was a constant reminder to me that you need to have a balance between fun and work, even when you just want to have fun. Amanda, well I was only with Amanda for a few weeks, but she was such a sweet girl! So loving and kind to everyone. I remember how willing she was to help around the apartment when she first moved in. Wanting to help cook, and clean.
Kimber. I love this girl, now and for eternity. I couldn't have made it through this year without her. She was my rock. She held me up in the hardest of times. I looked forward to our cousin time so much! Whether it was simply driving to Manti to look through their stores, or trips to the Malt Shop to get glaciers. Even sitting in her room, or mine, or the living room just talking. Driving to Ephraim with Kimber was the highlight of everything! I never felt like I was leaving family, because I had my family with me. This past year has brought us closer together then we have been in a long time and I am so so very grateful for that. I love that my cousin has become my best friend. I love that we can complain about our classes, and everything else in life and still know that at the end of it all we will always love each other.
Cassilynn. My cousin, my friend, my hairdresser, my pal. I have admired Cass Bass since the time I was a little girl. Don't ask me why, but I have. Maybe it was because I loved her awesome two toned hair and wished my mom would let me do my hair like that. Or maybe it was her outgoing personality and love for life. But I do know that right now, I admire her for her ambitiousness and for the love that she carries in her life. I love that I can spend hours texting her, or helping her with her photography business. I love that she has invited me into her house so many times to play with her kiddo's whom I love just as much as I love her. I love going down there and playing games with her family, or watching tv shows with her and Nathan and trying to decide which is best (Hannah Montana, or Cake Boss).
Kathryn Hewlett. This girl... I just don't know what to do with her most of the time. We seem to end our friendship quite often, but give us 5 seconds and we'll be friends again! She listened to my complaints, and sympathized with my woes. Invited me over, just to sit. I know I can count on her for a good laugh, or simply to criticize me. It's just how our friendship goes. On the outside we may not seem too serious about it, but on the inside this friendship is deep. I loved having a friend that was so close to me that I could go to to escape the world. I love that I can still count on her to help me escape.
Susan Byard. Even though Susan enjoys punching me in the chin with her bicep I can't deny how truly grateful I am for her friendship. It makes me sad that it took us so long to become such amazing friends. I mean, we should have just started to be friends the second our communications teacher put us in a group together. Susan has taught me so much, especially on marriage advice. She brings a smile to my face when really, I would rather just cry. She pushes me to keep going, helps me to keep having fun, and reassures me that things will be okay, especially because families are forever. She brings out the crazy in me, and people see a side of me that I normally keep hidden.
I will resume this in another post, because there are still more people to write about and to thank, but this is long enough.
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