So a while back I posted that my friends and I were going to make quilts for Primary Children's.'s still not done!! We thought we would be able to do a few quilts this summer, but everyone got so busy and it was taking forever just to sew the first one! Finally, today, Katie and I got down to business and finished sewing the pieces together, now all we have left to do is sew on the borders, and add the stuffing (I know it's not stuffing but the real word isn't coming to my mind), sew the back on to it, and get it quilted! This has definitely been a fun adventure! Instead of doing more quilts we want to make some pillowcases for the Million Pillow Case Challenge We still want to do something to help others, and we figured this way we can make things but take less time, and we can produce more of them, and have it be less expensive. I'm pretty excited to get started on this project too :)
I know I promised pictures of our progress, but I haven't really taken any pictures, but here is a picture of the front of our quilt!!!
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