Tuesday, December 11, 2012

{tis} the season

tis the season to be jolly

Twas the week of finals
and all through the valley
all the students were scurrying
to finish their studies

The pencils were sharpened
the notes were askew
In hopes that 24 hours of studying
would get them an A.

Okay okay,
enough with me trying to be a poet,
but it is finals week, so I had to give it some kind of an ode.

This week is not as stressful as I thought it would be.
I took two finals yesterday,
one at 9:00 am.
It took me a total of 20 minutes to complete,
and I would be confident in saying I didn't miss a single question.
After 3 hours of studying with two girls in my children's literature class,
for our final,
and a half hour with 2 more girls.
I was ready for that final at 1:00.
I took an online final today, 
I am feeling pretty good about that one too.
Meteorology and Math finals tomorrow.
Those ones should be the ones I'm scared of.
But...I'm not.

Instead, I am just enjoying life, as well as I can.
Yesterday I went to FHE for the first time in FOREVER.
It was fantastic.  It was our ward Christmas party.
We had a white elephant exchange (I got a used shower head)
and had a sub-for-santa gift wrapping contest.
The winning table won $50 to Cold Stone.
Just so happened, I was on the winning table, actually one of two winning tables.
So after FHE we all headed to Cold Stone for our treat.
It was quite the lovely evening.

Tonight I have just relaxed.
Tomorrow, I will celebrate the end of finals by:
hopefully getting my bangs fixed by my favorite cousin
seeing my other cousins wife and adorable baby boy
hopefully catching dinner with a friend,
picking up a friend from Provo and bringing her up to Sandy,
and...if I can convince my friends enough,
maybe end up downtown to take in the lights. 
(cross your fingers they like that idea!)

Here's to the most stress free week of finals, ever!


  1. Neither Kim or Kamie know how to fix bangs.

    1. I should have clarified. Favorite cousin on my mom's side :)
