oh hi there. i have a ton of homework to do. and i mean A TON! i finish school at uvu in 16 days. SIXTEEN! and i don't feel like i have enough time to finish everything i need to. so obviously it is smart to write on this blog post, while i listen to josh groban and bawl my eyes out. josh groban does that to me, makes me bawl, ya know.
let's talk a little about thanksgiving. i would like a redo of thanksgiving. i had great plans for the week of thanksgiving, great, great plans. uvu didn't hold classes that whole week, which was lovely. on monday i got to babysit one of my favorite little girls in the whole world, and we made silly noises together and watched some christmas movies, okay i watched them while i also wrote a paper and sarah just colored on some of my other papers. then that night i went to fhe. for the first time in months i added a ward activity of my own. you guys, going inactive in my ward made me popular or something. that afternoon i got texts from two or three people asking me if i would be coming to the "thanksgiving dinner and auction". one was my visiting teacher, and one was a girl whom i talk to at church and church activities. when i got to the activity with savannah, i wanted to run. but i forced myself to stay. people who i don't usually talk to came and talked to me, people who wouldn't have known i was going to a different ward asked why i was going to a different ward. it was weird, and i left saying "apparently the way to get people to talk to you is to go inactive."
tuesday, i taught preschool. we sang about pilgrims, and had our own feast. which included pickles, olives, oranges, string cheese, crackers, and oreos. then i went to work for the rest of the night.
wednesday, i woke up early and went to the dentist where they found a crack in my tooth and fixed it with a filling. they had me in the same dentist chair i sat in when i was eight years old and had flipped off my bike resulting in losing my front two teeth. i stared at the walls, and listened to the dentist tools around me and almost lost it. then i went to work.
thursday, thanksgiving day. i woke up and watched, or semi-watched the macy's thanksgiving day parade while i did homework. i did homework while my parents got pies and potatoes ready to take to my aunts. we haven't had thanksgiving with my aunts family for a number of years. i was looking forward to it. i was about to walk out the door when i decided i would be wasting valuable time if i didn't bring my homework with me. so i grabbed my backpack and left the house. we ate a wonderful meal, and when everyone was done and the dishes were cleared, i pulled my computer out and did homework for the rest of the night. i regret that decision so much now. i couldn't have just left the homework for later? i couldn't have just been able to live in the moment and enjoyed being with family? this semester has been a hard one. i go to school every day, and most days i come home and go straight to work, no- i don't even come home, i go straight to work. then i come home and go to bed so i can do it all over again. because of this i had to do homework on a day that should have been spent with out my face in the computer. but because of this i am more grateful for my family, and just the fact that i was able to see them.
this week the festival of trees begins, and i'm looking forward to it greatly. i firmly believe that the festival of trees is what helps me to bring the spirit of christmas into my life. i am hoping that i can put my stresses of school aside for one night as i volunteer and help raise money for primary children's hospital.
and in the spirit of thankfulness...a few things i am thankful for
first and foremost, my family. they mean more to me than i let on, and do more for me than i can ever pay them back for. for my extended family, and the opportunity over the past few years i have had to get to know them on a whole different level. back in october i spent the weekend at my cousin's house, which is something i count my blessings for every day. i am thankful for my friends. friends come and go, which i have a hard time dealing with. but i am grateful for each and every one of them the same. i am grateful for my coworkers, who assure me time and time again that i will make it through the next 2.5 weeks. i am thankful that they are willing to cover shifts for me, just so i can do some homework. i am grateful that i can call my coworkers my friends. i am thankful for visiting teaching. my visiting teachers have become such wonderful friends in my life, whom i will always cherish. i am grateful for the trials i have been having in my life. i know that is completely cliche, but it is true. i have grown in ways i didn't think was possible, and have overcome pain that i didn't know existed. i am grateful to know that i didn't have to go through those alone, which ultimately brings me to being thankful for the gospel. this year i have come the closest to living without the gospel as i ever have before. i am grateful to know that i can always go back, and i will always be loved by our heavenly father. i am so incredibly thankful for the happiness the gospel brings into my life. and to you, whoever is reading this, i am grateful for you!
"Thankful" by Josh Groban:
"Somedays we forget
To look around us
Somedays we can't see
The joy that surrounds us
So caught up inside ourselves
We take when we should give.
So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be.
And on this day we hope for
What we still can't see.
It's up to us to be the change
And even though we all can still do more
There's so much to be thankful for.
Look beyond ourselves
There's so much sorrow
It's way too late to say
I'll cry tomorrow
Each of us must find our truth
It's so long overdue
So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be
And every day we hope for
What we still can't see
It's up to us to be the change
And even though we all can still do more
There's so much to be thankful for.
Even with our differences
There is a place we're all connected
Each of us can find each other's light
So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be
And on this day we hope for
What we still can't see
It's up to us to be the change
And even though this world needs so much more
There's so much to be thankful for."
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